GAM plotting using ggplot2

plotGAM(gamFit, smooth.cov, groupCovs = NULL, orderedAsFactor = T,
  rawOrFitted = F, plotCI = T)



fitted gam model as produced by mgcv::gam()


(character) name of smooth term to be plotted


(character) name of group variable to plot by, if NULL (default) then there are no groups in plot


if TRUE then the model is refitted with ordered variables as factors.


If FALSE (default) then only smooth terms are plotted; if rawOrFitted = "raw" then raw values are plotted against smooth; if rawOrFitted = "fitted" then fitted values are plotted against smooth


if TRUE (default) upper and lower confidence intervals are added at 2 standard errors above and below the mean


Returns a ggplot object that can be visualized using the print() function

See also

Other Plotting: plotGAMM


data <- data.frame(x = rep(1:20, 2), group = rep(1:2, each = 20)) set.seed(1) data$y <- (data$x^2)*data$group*3 + rnorm(40, sd = 200) data$group <- ordered(data$group) gam <- mgcv::gam(y ~ s(x) + group, data=data) plot1 <- plotGAM(gamFit = gam, smooth.cov = "x", groupCovs = NULL, rawOrFitted = "raw", plotCI=TRUE, orderedAsFactor = FALSE)
#> Warning: There are one or more factors in the model fit, please consider plotting by group since plot might be unprecise
gam <- mgcv::gam(y ~ s(x) + group + s(x, by=group), data=data) plot2 <- plotGAM(gamFit = gam, smooth.cov = "x", groupCovs = "group", rawOrFitted = "raw", orderedAsFactor = FALSE)